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Prepare Your Feet for Winter

Would you like to learn more about how to properly prepare and care for your feet during winter? The podiatrists at Idaho Foot & Ankle FootCareAssociates in Bosie, Nampa and Meridian, ID, know just what to do. Here are some crucial tips on general foot care during winter and orthotics made specifically for ski boots to keep feet safe and protected.

Foot Care During Winter

General foot care is vital but it's more important during winter months when certain diseases are more susceptible. Here are some tips to avoid diseases like skier’s toe and blisters:

1. Warming foot soak - soak your feet and exfoliate soles to soften and reduce calluses by combining sea salt, oils -- peppermint, olive and/or lavender -- and warm water, and moisturize using a lotion.

2. Choose the Right Shoes - Make sure to have shoes that fit properly as well as offer protection from the cold and the elements.

3. Dry Your Shoes - when entering your house after being outside, make sure to dry your shoes and take off wet socks. Make sure that you keep your feet clean and dry.

Foot Care While Playing Winter Sports

One of the best things about winter is the seasonal sports available-skiing and snowboarding. Our Bosie, Nampa and Meridian podiatrists want you to take certain precautions to ensure the safety of your feet:

  • Make sure you wear the right socks and no need to double up. A single pair will suffice since several layers may bunch up, make feet sweaty and cause irritability. Invest in knee-high ski-specific socks that are knee-high, breathable and moisture-wicking.
  • Make sure your ski boots fit properly and avoid over-tightening them. If boots don't fit properly, your feet might get cold quickly and if they're too tight, this may result in reduced blood circulation to your feet.
  • Replace old boot liners and think of investing in boot heaters. Podiatrists know just how much the cold can damage feet and keeping your feet warm and boot liners up-to-date will ensure healthier feet.
  • Don't clench your toes while skiing to prevent restricted blood flow and take a break to help warm blood recirculate.

If you would like to know more about orthotics made specifically for ski boots and just how to make sure your ski boots fit properly during cold months, call your Bosie, Nampa and Meridian, ID, podiatrist today.

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809 N Liberty St,
Boise, ID 83704-8703