
(208) 888-9876


(208) 463-1660

How Are Bunions Caused and Treated?

Do you know why you have bunions and what you can do to relieve your pain? Foot doctors provide a variety of treatment options for thebunions common foot condition. In addition to treating bunions, the podiatrists at Idaho Foot & Ankle Associates in Boise, Nampa/Caldwell, and Meridan, ID, offer skilled care for a variety of foot and ankle conditions.

Why do I have a bunion?

Bunions can be caused by:

  • Shoe Choices: Tight shoes and high heels increase pressure on the joints of your feet. If you wear these types of shoes often, the joint at the base of your big toe may eventually become misaligned, resulting in bunions.
  • Genetics: You may be more likely to develop bunions in someone else in your family has them. Although bunions themselves aren't inherited, you can inherit a foot imbalance that increases your risk of developing bunions.
  • Arthritis: People who have rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or osteoarthritis are also at increased risk of developing bunions.
  • Foot Abnormalities: High arches, low arches, excessive pronation, or any condition that affects the structure or alignment of your foot can raise your chance of bunions.
  • Uneven Leg Length: Is one of your legs a little longer than the other? Leg length discrepancies can cause gait problems, which may be a factor in the development of bunions.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Jobs or hobbies that require long hours on your feet can up your bunion risk.

How are bunions treated?

Bunion treatment is aimed at reducing pain and slowing the progression of your bunion. Over-the-counter pain relievers and wearing wider shoes can be helpful in easing pain. If you have corns and calluses, apply adhesive pads to reduce friction on your toes and feet. Your Boise, Nampa/Caldwell or Meridan, ID, podiatrist can offer other treatment options and strategies, including night splints, orthotics, and cortisone injections for pain. When pain is severe, or your bunions interfere with your daily activities, bunion removal surgery may be recommended.

Ease your bunion pain with a visit to the foot doctor. Schedule an appointment with the podiatrists at Idaho Foot & Ankle Associates by calling (208) 327-0627 for the Boise, ID, office, (208) 463-1660 for the Nampa/Caldwell, ID, office, or (208) 888-9876 for the Meridan, ID, office.

Main Location


809 N Liberty St,
Boise, ID 83704-8703