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Does Your Back Hurt? Our Boise Podiatrist Can Help

podiatrist boise idWhen your back hurts, your entire body hurts, and this can interrupt your day-to-day activities. If you're suffering from severe backache, particularly after standing or walking for extended periods of time, the cause may not just be due to a problem with your back. As a matter of fact, there’s a good chance your feet, specifically your shoes, are one of the sources of your pain. If you are experiencing back pain, consider visiting one of our Boise, ID podiatrists for an evaluation, and find out if your shoes are the problem.

Why Your Shoes May Be Causing Your Back Pain

Your spinal column and the surrounding muscle tissue serve as the foundation of your body. But when strain and stress are exerted on the muscles, tendons and vertebrae, unbearable back pain can be the result. Long hours of standing on your feet, lifting heavy objects incorrectly and age can all play a role in the presence of back pain as well.
If you suffer from back pain, it is important to have the condition evaluated by a qualified health care professional who can determine if there is a specific disease process that is occurring within the spine.  Proper treatment can then be initiated that may include conservative therapies to relieve the pain and improve overall function.
What many people don’t know, however, is that something as simple as your shoes may be the cause of your agony. The spinal column is comprised of bone with discs of tissue, muscles, ligaments, and sensitive nerve endings. The vertebrae are stacked one on top of the other, making the spinal column both strong and flexible. Poor posture caused by poor fitting shoes, however, can pull the vertebrae out of alignment, which in turn pulls on the tender muscles and nerve endings. Making sure your feet are supported properly will help ensure that your body posture is aligned properly.  And if your body is within the correct alignment, back pain may be relieved.  

Selecting the Best Shoes for Your Best Spinal Health

If your shoes do not offer adequate support for your feet, you may be putting yourself at risk for injury, including chronic back pain. That’s why our podiatrists in Boise place a strong emphasis on the importance of replacing old, worn shoes that don’t offer the support and stability you need. Instead, purchase shoes that have a thick and cushioned sole to absorb the shock of walking and good arch support.
Our Boise, ID podiatrists may also prescribe you with a custom made insole, or orthotic, that will help stabilize the foot, support the arch, and balance the body.  The orthotic also can include a lift to even out the legs and help relieve back pain. For women, any kind of a high-heeled shoe can throw off the balance of your spinal column, which in turn irritates and may damage the sensitive nerves and ligaments located in your lower back.
While it is important to seek treatment with a back specialist, it is also important to remember that our qualified podiatrists in Boise can help devise methods to relieve the pressure your feet may be placing on your spine, and this is an important adjunct to treatment of back pain.   Contact our office for a proper evaluation of your feet and a recommendation for shoe modifications and other treatments that can take the pressure off specific areas of the spine. If the spine is the foundation for the rest of the body, your feet are the foundation for your spine.

Main Location


809 N Liberty St,
Boise, ID 83704-8703