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Causes and Treatments of Toenail Fungus

Find out how to tackle your toenail fungus problems and say goodbye to unsightly toenails.

Toenail fungus can be downright annoying and embarrassing. Find out what could be to blame for your infection and when to turn to our toenail fungusteam of Boise podiatrists for care.

The Causes of Toenail Fungus

Most nail fungal infections are caused by a dermatophyte. However, yeasts or molds can also be to blame. While some fungi are beneficial others can cause infections. Fungi like to live in warm environments like showers and can easily get into the skin through the smallest of cuts (even ones you can’t see). If your toenails are exposed to moist, warm environments they are more susceptible to developing a toenail fungus.

Here are some of the risk factors for developing a nail fungus:

  • Age
  • Working in environments that are conducive to fungal growth
  • Heavily perspiring
  • Not wearing protective footwear in communal areas like gyms and locker rooms
  • Having diabetes or a weakened immune system
  • Living with someone who has a toenail fungal infection

As with any health issues, prevention is key. If you are at a higher risk of developing a toenail fungus talk to your Boise foot doctor about the best ways to prevent a fungal infection from happening to you.

What Can Be Done

There are many over-the-counter medications that are usually the best line of defense. This is usually the first thing you should try. Sometimes simple at-home care and non-prescription medications are enough to kill a simple fungal infection. But if you find that these treatments aren’t doing the trick then it’s time to come in for treatment. Also, if you have diabetes, circulation problems or a weakened immune system it’s important that you visit us right away for treatment if you develop symptoms of a toenail fungal infection.

The most common way we treat toenail fungal infections is with medications. This can come in the form of an oral antifungal, which will need to be taken for several weeks. The purpose of these medications is to promote healthy nail growth that is free of infection.

Medicated nail polish or a cream may also be prescribed for the nail. If these medications still don’t offer relief then you may want to consider laser therapy or even surgery to remove the infected nail.

Don’t let a toenail fungus affect your foot health. Turn to Idaho Foot & Ankle Associates in Boise for all of your foot care needs.

Main Location


809 N Liberty St,
Boise, ID 83704-8703